What Causes Engine Oil Seals To Leak

Number of hits:9702022-12-21 16:38:11 

Oil seal are required do their jobs inside of your engine, which is a pretty hostile place to work. Constant exposure to high temperatures, high pressures, vibrations and contact with hot fluids over a period of time will cause even the best gasket or seal to develop leaks. Except for very rare cases of catastrophic failure, gasket leaks start out as small drips that you may first notice as spots under your car. These may lead to unsightly stains that appear on your parking spot and eventually become more prevalent if not taken care of.

There is a natural tendency to dismiss the importance of small leaks of oil and put them on the list of things to fix later – but resist putting it off. Even small leaks can mean big expenses down the road if they are ignored. What starts out as a relatively easy fix can quickly turn into a major issue. Even a small leak can cause you to lose a quart of oil in no time.

Driving with low or no oil is a recipe for expensive repair bills. Many drivers don't realize that driving with low oil level can cause high engine temperatures. Higher engine temperatures will break down the lubrication ability of the remaining oil, causing damage to and excess wear of pistons, piston rings, valve lifters and engine bearings. The high engine temperatures may exacerbate the leakage of the gasket, creating a spiraling series of events that will impact your wallet with a hefty repair bill.

The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be used in lieu of seeking professional advice from a certified technician or mechanic. 

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